A year of work went into this song. Practice, market research. Saving money to buy the beat, buying studio Time to record the song. I hope you like it like I like it and love it like I love it.
Sb, although I released it June 7, it has been on Spotify at all which has severely messed up my connection to fans on that site and streaming revenue on that platform. Taking back my power 💪🏾
I know selling music direct to consumer is different in these times than it was in the past, but I just want to make sure I have agency and control over my artistic journey. I won’t allow the current music industry to determine the control I have over my art. it’s PRIDE, it’s a week after Juneteenth, it’s Caribbean heritage month I meannnnn make sure you’re wholeheartedly supporting folks from these communities. You can cop pretty kitty the mp3 at gourmetgummy.net. There’s 2 tiers, a support tier and a proud to pay tier. This sale is only active for 24 hours, so cop today!